Welcome to D-Databases!
Here you can find interesting databases that DIFACQUIM has published before, along with a short description and a link to the original reference.
You can use them as an input for D-Tools.
D-DB is our latest effort to provide curated high quality data on target annotations of small molecules. For accessing the database click here.
Several public databases that provide either activity information or evidence of direct interaction (e.g., from cocrystalized structures) have been integrated.
D-DB was conceived, designed and developed in collaboration with the research group of Dr. Mónica Campillos from the Helmholtz Zentrum München. We will shortly release more details about the database in a publication.
Latin American Natural Product Database (LANaPD)
Read commentary in Future Science OA 2020 FSO597
D-InoDB: Towards a Compound Database of Organometallic Drugs for Chemoinformatic Analysis
Presented by: Yazmin Percastre-Cruz el al. at the Third International Conference in Boinformatics, Smulations and Modeling. Talca, Chile. November 5th, 2019.